Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spokane Regional ESL Conference 2013

Attending the Spokane Regional ESL Conference 2013 today gave me the opportunity to hear several  stimulating presentations. I tweeted about them @ablizzard. However, I'd liked to share here the great online resources Eman Elturki (WSU) offered in her workshop on "The Internet: A Magic Box of Teaching Resources." As Elturki explained, she selected these resources because they met 3 criteria: (1) free, (2) easy to use, and (3) helpful for students and teachers. Here they are (hyperlinked - just click):

(1) Wordle
(2) Tagul
(3) Tools 4 Noobs: Online Summarize Tool
(4) Super Lame
(5) Story Jumper
(6) Glogster
(7) English Central
(8) Voxopop
(9) Voice Thread
(10) Guide to Grammar and Writing
(11) Planet PDF
(12) Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs
(13) Citation Machine
(14) Penzu
(15) Spelling City
(16) Crocodoc
(17) Weblist
(18) Wikispaces
(19) English Club
(20) RubiStar
(21) Voice of America - Learning English
(22) String Net
(23) Eggtimer

Some of these I am familiar with and have used or use in my ESL classes, for example, Wordle, English Central, Spelling City, VoA. Yet, I'm excited to try out many of the others. And, I'd love to hear about your experiences with them as well. 

Thanks again, Eman!


Julie Winter said...

Thanks for this great list of interesting ESL links!

Allison Blizzard said...

Here's a related overview entitled "Social Media for Teachers" --

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