Monday, September 3, 2012

SLEP Alternatives

For many years, we've used the Secondary Level English Proficiency (SLEP) test from ETS for the Listening and Reading sections of the placement testing in our college ESL program, which is geared at ELLs who are learning English for Academic Purposes (EAP). We've been (mostly) satisfied with the results of using the SLEP in conjunction with the Writing and Speaking tests we developed ourselves. We've had very few students that have been incorrectly placed over the last 5+ years. In addition, we've been using the SLEP as one part of the exit criteria. Again, this standardized test has offered a point of reference that seemed less likely to be influenced by subjective ("human") factors. This is important not only for the instructors but  also for students, who may doubt the validity of the holistic evaluation approach we apply to the Writing and Speaking tests.

It seems, however, that ETS SLEP test materials will no longer be distributed as of this year. Therefore, we are searching for and discussing alternatives. On the one hand, the transition would be easier if we could find something that would simply replace the Listening and Reading tests of the SLEP.  On the other, we are open to more comprehensive tests ... if they meet our needs ... and would consider trying something entirely new. We'd also be very interested in tests that have been aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). One final factor is cost, of course. Even soft money programs have to be frugal in times like these, so we're looking to keep the price down and to avoid passing any additional costs on to students.  

Possible Alternatives:

If you have any advice for us or would be willing to share your experiences, it would be greatly appreciated. (Thanks!)

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