Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blogging for ELT

On TESOL Connections (April 2012), I found an interesting article "Using Blogs for English Language Teaching" by Kristina Scholz. I have not tried this out myself, but it seems to me that it would be a very interesting form of collaborative writing that could be beneficial at various proficiency levels. The suggested writing activities look enticing to me. However, I wonder how many students actually find this form of writing, blogging, "authentic." My students (upper-intermediate/advanced students in an EAP program from all over the world)  spend a great deal of time using various forms of social media, in particular Facebook, and they are compulsive "texters." Yet, they do not read or write blogs on their own, of their own initiative. So, would they see this as yet another "artificial" form of writing, one that is possibly even less related to their academic goals than paragraph and essay writing. Or, would they see this as a fun and/or effective endeavor? 


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