Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dialogue and Reflection

Like so many ESL instructors, I continuously explore all that the internet has to offer in terms of Web 2.0 applications, social media, and references to offline resources. It's a wonderful time to be an instructor, especially a language instructor!

Delicious allows me to bookmark websites in a cloud-like manner. pbWorks functions as my class platform (as an alternative to Angel). Google Docs facilitates file-sharing. Prezi lets my students and I be sure that our presentations will indeed be as mobile as we are. Facebook connects me with students and colleagues. Heck, I'm even Linkedin

Yet, I'd like more dialogue and reflection on the tools and techniques I'm learning about, applying, and developing. Thus, I'm creating this blog. I hope you will share your insights with me ("Comment") and be part of an ongoing exchange of ideas. -- Thanks!

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