Monday, November 19, 2012

EQUELLA: Getting Started with a Digital Repository

The ESL program at my college has expanded to a second campus within the district, and with additional faculty and additional sections of classes, we are finding that our current method of sharing materials and storing documents is problematic. Therefore, when I recently came across EQUELLA, my interest was instantaneously peaked. Here's the pitch from Pearson:

According to the website, there's a new version (6.0) that's now out, and it has even won awards this year.

Seems great, right? Yet, as with any product, actually trying it out in real-world/real-work situations is the only way to know for sure if it meets one's expectations.

My questions:
  • Do you use EQUELLA? Or, have you had any experience with it (a trial, a webinar etc)? Or, have you heard (even through the grapevine) anything about it that might be useful?
  • Do you know of alternatives to EQUELLA that I should look into? 
  • What tips do you have for sharing and storage across multiple campuses?

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